— The TXOLAN Team
Suri, Female, Proven | Beige
We were blessed to be able to purchase Shakira and the only reason she is for sale is because she gave us a beautiful female cria sired by DKN Dakina Fiery CrossShakira has a wonderful, soft handle and her fleece still glistens in the sun year after year! She has an impressive pedigree as well as an impressive histogram.Shakira is a wonderful mother and has grown her cria well!The only reason we are letting this young male go along with his dam is that he is 1 of 5 Northstar males born this year. All are stunning and an improvement over mom. We believe our success is in the success of our clients!!!
Sapphire Alpaca - Helena, MT
Healing Springs Suris LLC - Westville, OK
Updated 8/30/2022