Thursday, February 13
Show and Sale Check-In 8am-4pm
Welcome Party & Cocktails hosted by Celebrity Sales 5pm-7pm Sponsored by Celebrity Sales, LLC
Friday, February 14
Introduction to an Auction Educational Event with Tim Vincent 12:30pm In Concession Area
ACE's Loaded Auction Preview & Cocktails 2pm-5pm
ACE's Loaded Auction, Dinner & Cocktails 5pm-7pm Presented by Alpaca Country Estates, LLC
A dedicated sale preview will be held Friday, February 14th, between 2:00pm- 5:00pm.
Complimentary appetizers and cocktails will be provided by Alpaca Country Estates prior to the beginning of the auction in the preview area.
The auction is scheduled to begin promptly at 5:00pm!
Dinner will be served at the conclusion of the auction in the sale area.
To preview the auction animals, click HERE.