Display your champion suris fleece!
Suri Lock Tapestry
Shipping & Handling
Shipping is in addition to the base price for this item
Product Specs
- Starting size of 8" x 12" and can be larger depending on the amount of quality locks that can be harvested from your fleece. If the buyer wishes, I can combine several fleece into one tapestry. There will be an additional charge if the fleece is not skirted.
Product Description
A stunning way to display your award winning fleece to potential clients, or the general public! Each lock is carefully hand washed and dried, then woven into a tapestry which allows the locks to be displayed in their natural state. When finished, this looks like it came right off the animal, yet no alpaca are in any way harmed in the making of this! Won Judges Choice in Fiber Arts at the AOA National Fleece Show!