Transport Services
Transport trailer
We have sold our cross country transport business as of January 1, 2024. Kristian Thordarson of Thordarson Farms in Redmond, OR is taking over our transport business. We will be working with Kristian to help him get up and running and, hopefully, the only thing you'll miss about us not transporting for you will be Randy's smiling face!
Wings and A Prayer will still be doing show transports for the next couple of years or so but all other transport will be handled by Kristian. His contact phone is 503/250-2872. His email address is [email protected]. Here is a short bio to introduce you to Kristian:
Kristian Thordarson is originally from Snohomish, Washington and moved to Oregon in 1997 to attend Oregon State University where he graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and minor in Oceanography. He has owned two successful construction or construction-related companies in both Portland and Bend between 2012 and now. He started his hauling career in 2003 hauling excavation equipment and has maintained an active CDL license for almost 20 years.
He and his wife Heather bought their first five alpacas in early 2014 and quickly became immersed in the industry. They currently have a herd of 50 huacaya alpacas in Central Oregon and have been nationally recognized in the AOA High Point program both for individual animals and for their program overall. Heather is also currently completing apprenticeship requirements towards becoming an AOA certified halter and fleece judge.
When Kristian isn’t working on the farm, he enjoys offroad racing with his friends and working on the race rig, spending time outdoors with his family, having bonfire nights on the farm, traveling to new and familiar places (favorite trip to date was the Quechua Benefit Peru tour in 2019) and playing with his two young sons.
Kristian is excited to embark on the hauling business not only to become more involved in the industry, but also to be able to be home with his family more during the times he’s not out on the road.
Changing of the guard!